Finding The Right Type of Grass For Oklahoma
Maybe it’s your first year taking care of your yard or maybe it’s your one-hundredth year, but no matter how long you’ve been taking care of your lawn, it’s important that you have the right grass growing!
Grasses used in Oklahoma are turfgrass species and cultivars that is adapted to the environmental conditions of Oklahoma and that fits your personal needs and interests. The grass should also be suited to the physical or environmental limitations of the planting site, such as shade, no supplemental water, or poor soil conditions. Bermudagrass, buffalograss, and zoysiagrass are the warm-season (grows in the summer and dormant in the winter) turfgrass species most commonly planted in Oklahoma. Occasionally, cool-season turfgrass species, such as tall fescue, Kentucky bluegrass, and perennial ryegrass are planted on shaded sites because the warm-season turfgrasses cannot tolerate shade. Cool-season turfgrasses, such as tall fescue and Kentucky bluegrass can also be successfully grown in full sun, but requires more frequent watering during the summer than bermudagrass to prevent wilting, thinning, and a loss of turf density. Thus, cool-season turfgrasses may be utilized in full sun only when a convenient means of irrigation is available.
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Different Types of Grass in Oklahoma
Oklahoma State University has a helpful guide for selecting a lawn grass for Oklahoma and created a fact sheet as well!
Specifically for lawns in Stillwater, Oklahoma we recommend using either a Bermudagrass, Fescue, Kentucky Bluegrass, or Zoysiagrass to ensure you have the best-looking grass in the neighborhood.